Styleguide / Trend Designs / Logo Design / Typography

Work commissioned by Powerstation Studios

I have had the pleasure of working on a variety of big name brands for Powerstation Studios and have been heavily involved in developing some of their styleguides. From logos & packaging to compositions, badges and patterns, along with the layout and production of the final styleguide, whether it be printed or a digital PDF for licensees to create great product. I continue to work with Powerstation Studios and highly value their work.

Ben 10 - Omniverse Styleguide.

I developed the Ben 10 Omniverse styleguide from start to finish. This involved the creation of all assets along with a digital PDF as final deliverable. Each design composition, made up of bespoke icons, typography, badges and patterns was carefully and thoughtfully applied to product aimed at a tween boy demographic.

Ghostbusters - 30th Anniversary Product Provocation Designs.

It was great to work with such an iconic movie such as Ghostbusters! I was asked to create logo designs for their 30th Anniversary merchandise. Mixing grunge and slime together with an underground theme worked well for the tween boy demographic. I created logos & badges applying them to product concepts such as apparel and accessories.

Dr.Who - Provocation Designs.

With two strong graphic themes carefully researched and conveyed through moodboards, I then created impactful story-telling designs which captured the Dr.Who series and the characters.

My Babysitter's a Vampire - Creative Type Designs.

I was asked to create some powerful typography for the tv show My Babysitter's a Vampire. Capturing their best slogans and translating them into eye catching creative type designs.